Bottom line... just make a purchase totaling at least $500 in products and you instantly qualify to become a new Distributor with us! You can even spread out the $500 requirement over 3 consecutive purchases. Then just continue to purchase at least $500 in products - over the course of each year - and you maintain that status! As a Distributor you receive a huge discount in pricing to enable you to then retail our products to your customers at a price that you set.
We are looking to partner with talented people who strive for excellence, whom have charisma to command respect both from colleagues and customers. We want to work with people who can really make a difference from day to day. We are looking to drive our brand forward, so you must be highly motivated and resourceful with a thorough understanding of the different products offered by the company. You may build a consumer, student, hair designer or professional clientele. Your short-term goal should be to make the products readily available by creating a marketing strategy to ensure that the products are both used by the stylist and recommended to their clients. Ultimately the focus is on selling to anybody with hair, through hair parties, women organizations, workplace, community events, your website, social gatherings, etc.
We'll help you with brochures, window decals, posters, product knowledge DVDs, etc. When you're ready to get started give Quincy a call (301-967-4100) at the office and he'll get things set up for you.
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